The goal with this project was to present several robots as if they were an electronic diorama or a museum exhibit.
I chose to make it about the Sonoran Desert's plants and animals for two simple reasons: I wanted a rattlesnake and a Harris Hawk. That initially had me pick the Mojave Desert, until I learned the Saguaro cactus I also wanted to have in the diorama does not grow in that desert, so I switched to the Sonoran one.
All the robots are controlled by a Hummingbirdbit with a MakerBit behind the control panel which sends the signal to the HummingbirdBit for the robots to move and plays a recording with facts about each of them (recorded by my husband).
I chose to make it about the Sonoran Desert's plants and animals for two simple reasons: I wanted a rattlesnake and a Harris Hawk. That initially had me pick the Mojave Desert, until I learned the Saguaro cactus I also wanted to have in the diorama does not grow in that desert, so I switched to the Sonoran one.
All the robots are controlled by a Hummingbirdbit with a MakerBit behind the control panel which sends the signal to the HummingbirdBit for the robots to move and plays a recording with facts about each of them (recorded by my husband).